Death Reflection

How does thinking about death affect you?

Are you curious?

A research team from Dr. Marla Morden’s lab at Vancouver Island University (VIU), located in Nanaimo, B.C., Canada, is seeking adult participants for a study investigating the effects of death reflection.


You have one of two options: you may (I) complete an online survey OR (II) attend a face-to-face session at VIU. The choice is up to you.


(I) Online Survey: Participation will take about 20-30 minutes, and may involve a death reflection exercise.


(II) Face-to-face: Participation will take about 20-30 minutes, and may involve a death reflection exercise and galvanic skin response (GSR) test. The GSR test assesses your physiological reactions. It's non-invasive and involves the placement of an electrode on your finger. The button below (labelled "Face-to-face") will prompt you to email the team to sign up.


The death reflection exercise consists of imagining yourself dying, followed by answering four open-ended questions. Afterwards, you may be asked to write about any positive thoughts or feelings related to your experience of the death reflection exercise. All responses will be completely confidential.


For more information, check out our consent form.


All participants will have the opportunity to enter a raffle for one of three gift cards ($100, $75, or $25) for either Amazon or Steam.


If you would like more information,
please email the research team.